_品目の関税引き下げとさらなる規制撤廃を打ち出す: announce tariff cuts on __ products and further deregulation さらなる規制解除を行う: implement further deregulation 電気事業の規制撤廃を行う: deregulate the electric power industry 規制撤廃を進める: proceed with deregulation 規制撤廃を加速させる 1: increase the pace of deregulation 規制撤廃を加速させる 2 accelerate deregulation in〔~での〕 規制撤廃を推進する: promote deregulation 規制撤廃を重視する: focus on deregulation 銀行に対する規制撤廃: banking deregulation 規制撤廃を積極的に進める: actively promote deregulation of〔~の〕 規制撤廃を通して円滑にする: be facilitated through deregulation 貿易の抜本的な規制撤廃を実行に移す: carry out radical deregulation of the trade 規制撤廃: 1. abolition of regulations 2. deregulation 3. repeal of regulations 規制撤廃の: 【形】 deregulatory 規制撤廃案: decontrol measure 規制撤廃策: measures for deregulation