although it is said that the first ' ku ' (meaning " trouble " in japanese ) is often omitted in the sense of preventing trouble at the time of invocation , in japan the part that is read as ' kiriku ' is a corrupted form of the original sound , ' furi-hi ,' which is simply read as ' kiriku ' in the shingon sect and ' kiri ' in the tendai sect . 最初のクは苦しみを抜くと言う意味から抜いて唱えることが多いといわれることもあるが、実際は、日本で「キリク」と読む部分はもともとの音「フリーヒ」が訛ったものであり、「フリーヒ」を真言宗では「キリク」、天台宗で「キリ」と読むに過ぎない。
染みを抜く 1: 1. eliminate smudges 2. get [take] a spot [stain] off [out] 染みを抜く 2 remove a stain (from)〔~から〕 染みを抜く人: spotter 染みを抜く器具: spotter 油の染みを抜く: take out spots of oil あくを抜く: remove harshness くぎを抜く: 1. draw a nail 2. draw out a nail 3. get a nail out 4. remove a nail とげを抜く: 1. draw (out) a thorn 2. draw thorn 3. extract a splinter 4. pick a thorn out of 5. pull out a splinter ド肝を抜く: ド肝を抜く どぎもをぬく ドぎもをぬく to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits to strike a person dumb to dumbfound to take (someone) aback ネジを抜く: 【他動】 unscrew〈卑〉 刀を抜く: 1. draw a sword 2. unsheathe a sword 刺を抜く: 刺を抜く とげをぬく to pull out a thorn 剣を抜く: 剣を抜く つるぎをぬく けんをぬく to draw a sword 力を抜く: let down 力を抜く〔~の〕: 【他動】 relax 堅塁を抜く: take a strong fortress