- The truth gives me perspective.
旅行は(人)の視野を広げる: travel broadens one's outlook
生徒たちの視野を広げる: broaden the horizons of the students
心的視野を広げる: broaden one's mental horizons
視野を広げる 1: 1. broaden one's outlook 2. broaden one's perspective 3. broaden one's view of things 4. discover new horizons 5. expand one's field of vision 6. expand one's horizon 7. stretch the envelope 8. wide
視野を広げる手段: vehicle for enhanced visibility
異なった価値観に触れて自分の視野を広げる: widen one's perspectives through being exposed to different values
違う価値観に触れて自分の視野を広げる: widen one's perspectives through being exposed to different values
さらに視野を広げて~する: widen the scope further to
視野を広げて自らの将来像を描く: chart one's future course with a broad perspective
視野を広げるために外国語を学ぶ: learn a foreign language to expand one's scope
幅を広げた: 【形】 extended
足を広げた: 【形】 1. spraddle-footed 2. spraddle-legged
その検出器の視野を制限する: restrict the field of view of the nonimaging instrument
視野を広くする: 1. enlarge one's horizons 2. enlarge the mind
その事実が私にとって何を意味するかはおいおい分かってくると思う。: I'm still discovering what the fact will mean to me.