The delicate mission of attempting to free the hostages was entrusted to him.
救出を試みる: attempt the rescue of〔~の〕 困難な任務: 1. difficult assignment 2. difficult mission 翻訳という困難な技術: difficult art of translation かなり困難な任務: tough assignment 非常に困難な任務: killer assignment 小委員会に委託される: be delegated to a subcommittee 委託された状態で: in trust 委託された研究: study commissioned by〔~から〕 その人に必要な治療を試みる: try to match the treatment with the person's needs 分野への進出を試みる: attempt to enter a market 市場への進出を試みる: attempt to enter a market 業界への進出を試みる: attempt to enter a market 定める基準を満たす者に委託される: be entrusted to parties meeting criteria established by〔~が〕 核廃棄物の処理という困難に直面する: face difficulty in disposing of nuclear waste マーケットへの進出を試みる: attempt to enter a market