To get into the business, you'll need several hundred thousand dollars.
フランチャイズ店を始めるには、約20万ドルプラス運転資金が必要だ。: To start a franchise, you need about $200,000 plus your working capital. その新しい家を買うのには巨額の資金が必要だ: It'll take a king's ransom to pay for this new house. 数十万ドル: several hundred thousand dollars _ドルの資金が必要である: require capital of $__〔主語には〕 商売を始める: 商売を始める v. set up shop 店開きをする (見出しへ戻る headword ? 商売) 商売を始める 1: 1. begin (a) business 2. launch a business 3. open a store 4. open one's [its] doors 5. set up in business 6. start in business 商売を始める 2 set up〔~の〕 小商売を始める: start a business in a small way 新商売を始める: begin a new business その商売で彼は100万ドルの利益を上げた: The new business cleared him a profit of $ 1 million. お金が必要だったんだろう…: I guess she needed some money... 現状を保つにはさらに資金が必要だ: need more money to keep the present condition ダビデ像を彫るには、たくさんののみが必要だったことだろう: It took many chisels to make the Statue of David, I think. 思いどおりの効果を上げるには、ある程度の試行錯誤が必要だろう。: There will be a certain amount of trial and error before you achieve the effect that you want. 独立して商売を始める: start an independent business 素手で商売を始める: start a business with practically no capital