- We have avoided a division in the party over the issue.
分裂を避ける: avoid a schism
真の問題を避ける: avoid the real issue
後継をめぐる党内調整に必要な時間を稼ぐ: bide time until the consensus within the party is ready to choose a successor to〔人の〕
問題を避けて通る: 1. avoid issue 2. dodge an issue 3. duck an issue 4. evade an issue 5. tiptoe around the issue
噴出しつつある党内の問題に直面する: face a brewing internal problem
彼らは、その問題を避けて通る他の歴史教科書の改訂も求めている。: They call for the revision of other history textbooks that skirt the issue.
会計上の問題をめぐって、その授業は始まった。: The class started off with an accounting issue.
本当の問題を避ける: beg the real issues
環境悪化の問題を避ける: avoid [sidestep] the issue of environmental degradation
中国問題を避けて通る: skirt the China question
重要な問題を避けておく: keep the big matter at bay
退陣問題をめぐる政局の混乱: political chaos surrounding someone's resignation〔人の〕
性をめぐる問題: sex-related issues
福祉をめぐる問題: issue of the welfare of〔~の〕
問題を避ける: 1. avoid [sidestep] the issue 2. avoid problems 3. avoid trouble 4. get away from the problem 5. hedge round a problem 6. skirt the issue 7. steer clear 8. walk around a problem