The country's economic growth will continue for a considerable period of time in the future.
かなりの長期間にわたって: for a considerable period of time かなりの時間にわたって: for a considerable time _年の期間にわたって: for a term of __ years 査察を長期間にわたって続ける: continue the inspections over the long term 長期間にわたって: 1. for a prolonged period 2. over a long duration 3. over an extended time period 4. over the long haul 5. over the long term 最長1週間程度の期間にわたって: over a period up to about a week _週間にわたって続く: last for up to __ weeks〔効果が〕 その国の去年の経済成長率は2%だった: The country had economic growth of 2% last year. その薬の投与が長期間にわたっている: The drug has been used over a prolonged period. ある期間にわたって: over a period of time 一定期間にわたって: 1. for a given period of time 2. over a fixed period of time 3. over a period 不況の全期間にわたって: over the full course of the slump 長い期間にわたって: over long periods of time 国の経済に将来にわたって影響を及ぼす: have far-reaching implications for a country's economy 国の経済に広範囲にわたって影響を及ぼす: have far-reaching implications for a country's economy