地域全体を巻き込む: involve the whole community その地域全体を通じて採用される: be hired from throughout the region 世界全体を巻き込む: involve the whole world 業界全体を巻き込む騒動: industry-wide turmoil 高齢者を巻き込んだ事故: accidents involving elderly people [senior citizens] 戦争による略奪: plunder of war 地域全体を救う: save the whole community 地域全体を~で覆う: blanket the region with 政界全体を巻き込む不祥事: scandal involving the political world as a whole これに彼を巻き込んだのか?: Did you involve him in this? 何台もの車を巻き込んだ衝突事故: multiple pileup 警察官を巻き込んだスキャンダル: scandal embroiling a police official 一家族を超えてその地域全体に広がる: extend beyond one family to the community as a whole 地域全体でテロによる暴虐をなくす: root out the tyranny of terrorism throughout the region 政界全体を巻き込む不祥事へと発展する: develop into a scandal involving the political world as a whole