repeatedly strike the child in the abdomen with one's hand until the boy dies
顔をこぶしで数回殴る: punch someone several times in the face〔人の〕 両親の虐待が子どもを死亡させる: The parents' physical abuse leads to their child's death. 死亡させる: cause one to shut down (人)暴行を加える: give someone curry 死亡させる(主語が): cause one's body to shut down 体に暴行を加えられた跡: signs of violence on the body 女性に暴行を加える: violate a woman 激しい暴行を加える: unleash a fierce attack on〔~に〕 母乳を通してその子どもを感染させる: pass that infection on to the child through the breast milk 故意で人を死亡させる: kill a person on purpose _歳未満の子どもの死亡率: mortality rate of children under the age of __ その教師は生徒を暴行を加えた容疑で告訴された: The teacher has been charged with battering a student. 彼女は子どもが死亡するまで暴行を止めなかった: Her abuse to her child continued nonstop until he died. 自分の子どもの上達をよその子どもと比べる: compare one's child with other children in terms of progress 自分の子どもの上達をよその子どもと比較する: compare one's child with other children in terms of progress