- The kindergarten teacher was frequently harassed by naughty children.
聞き分けのない子ども: 1. difficult child 2. unreasonable child
聞き分けのない子に育つ: grow up spoiled
聞き分けのない: 【形】 reasonless
聞き分けのない態度: unreasonable attitude
行く〔~にしばしば〕: 【他動】 haunt
困り果てる: 困り果てる こまりはてる to be greatly perplexed to be greatly embarrassed
はだしの幼稚園の生徒: barefooted kindergarten student
困り果てて 1: 1. at one's wit's [wits'] end 2. at the end of one's tether 3. between hell and high water〈俗〉 4. hung up 5. in a hole〈英〉 6. in the toilet 7. up a (gum) tree 8. up the creek (without a paddle)〔 【直訳】
非常にしばしば: 1. more often than ~ has had hot dinners 2. more something than ~ has had hot dinners
聞き分けの良い: 聞き分けの良い ききわけのいい reasonable
家のない子供: child without a home
聞き分けのないことを言わせないで。/困らせないで。/手を焼かせないで。: Don't be difficult.〔相手が自分の言うことを聞き入れてくれなかったり、協力してくれなかったりする時によく使われる言い方。〕
競馬でお金をすべて失い、彼は困り果てた: He found himself in a (bad) spot after he lost all his money at the races.
幼稚園の園長: director of a kindergarten
幼稚園の教諭: 1. kindergarten teacher 2. kindergartener