- The benefit was impossible to measure scientifically.
見ることのできないもの: thing that we can't see
医学的な観点から: medically speaking
科学的な観点から(すれば[見れば]): from a scientific standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
第一に科学的な観点から評価される: be evaluated primarily from a scientific point of view
人類学的な観点から: from an anthropological standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
形態学的な観点から: from a morphological standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
栄養学的な観点から: from a nutritional standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
音楽学的な観点から: from a musicological standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
すべて大文字で書くことはフォーラムの場では受け入れることのできないものだ。: Writing in full capitalization is unacceptable on the forums.
~することはできないものだろうか。: I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to
人道的な観点から: from a humanitarian standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
国際的な観点から: from a global standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
実際的な観点から: from a pragmatic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
建設的な観点から: from a constructive standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
戦略的な観点から: from a strategical standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]