- examine the proposal conscientiously
念入りに調べる: pick over
より念入りに調べる: look more closely
念入りに調査する: pick over
リストを念入りに探す: work one's way down a list
準備を念入りにする: make careful preparations
食器を念入りにすすぐ: rinse the dishes thoroughly
その職人は美しい革製の財布を念入りに作った: The artisan crafted a beautiful leather purse.
たくらみを念入りに考えて仕組む: concoct a conspiracy
犯罪現場の写真を念入りに見る: study the pictures of the crime scene
策略を念入りに考えて仕組む: concoct a conspiracy
陰謀を念入りに考えて仕組む: concoct a conspiracy
念入りに: 念入りに adv. **carefully 注意深く, 入念に *closely 綿密に, 細かく注意して, 念入りに, 厳重に《◆ close は用いない》 narrowly 《正式》念入りに, 綿密に. ▲make a close [careful] examination of accounts 勘定を念入りに調べる. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 念入り)
念入りに 1: 1. (up) to the nines〔 【語源】 99.99999.... と限りなく100に近いことから〕 2. with painstaking care 念入りに 2 【副】 1. closely 2. diligently 3. elaborately 4. fancily 5. methodically
念入りに~する: take care to
その提案をあっさり断る: dismiss the suggestion out of hand