- lead to public criticism of the decision
国民の強い批判を招く: attract strong public criticism
誤解を招く結果となる可能性が大きくなる: leave someone pretty wide open to misinterpretation〔人に〕
一般大衆の批判を招く: draw [invite] critical comments from the general public
公約違反との批判を招く: invite criticism for breaking one's promise
国民の批判を受ける: be criticized by the public
国民の批判を浴びる: be criticized by the public
批判を招く 1: 1. arouse criticism 2. invite criticism 3. invite remark 4. spark [set off] criticism 批判を招く 2 1. draw condemnation from 2. draw criticism (from)〔~からの〕
さらなる批判を招く: provoke further criticism of
国民の決定: popular decision
という批判を招く: invite the criticism that〔that以下〕
国際批判を招く 1: attract international criticism 国際批判を招く 2 invite international criticism for〔~について〕
猛烈な批判を招く: spark [set off] a firestorm of criticism
結果となる: fall out〔~の〕
国民の不信を招く: increase the public's mistrust of〔~への〕
国民の怒りを招く: 1. incur wrath of the people 2. invite public indignation