- The schoolboy goes over his lesson early in the morning.
今日の授業の復習をする: review today's lesson
この夏は、毎朝早起きしてジョギングをするつもりだ。: This summer I'm going to get up early every morning and jog.
復習をする: do (one's) homework on〔~の〕
今日のレッスンの復習をする: go over today's lesson
早起きをする: be up with the birds [lark]
毎日早起きして~に餌をやる: get up early each morning to feed
早寝早起きをする: 早寝早起きをする v. go to bed early and get up early ;keep regular hours 規則正しい生活を送る. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 早寝)
早起きをする方だ: tend to be an early riser
今週習った授業の復習をしなければならない。: I have to go over the lesson I learned this week.
その生徒は、高校を卒業したら留学する予定だ。: The student is going overseas to study after he graduates from senior high school.
どうしてこんなに早起きをするの?: Why are you up so early?
早起きする: 1. be early astir 2. be up early 3. get rise with the sun 4. get up with the chickens 5. get up with the sun 6. rise early 7. rise up early 8. rise with the sun
今朝は早起きした: I was up early this morning.
彼は朝早く起き、夜遅く寝る。: He gets up early in the morning and goes to bed late at night.
私は朝早く起きられない: I can't get up early in the morning.