The foreign student returned home for a family reason.
家庭の事情で: 1. because of family circumstances 2. due to a family crisis 3. for family reasons 4. owing to family circumstances [matters] 家庭の事情で~をあきらめる: give up ~ because of conditions at home 家庭の事情: 1. conditions at home 2. family circumstances 3. family matters 4. personal reasons その留学生は、それほどカルチャーショックを受けていないようだ。: The international student seems not to have so much culture shock. ~出身の留学生: foreign student from 休暇で帰国している: be home on leave アジアからの留学生は、大変勉強熱心だった。: The students from Asia were very dedicated to their study. 外国からの留学生: overseas student 海外からの留学生: 1. overseas student 2. student from abroad 上述の事情で: in the circumstances described above 何かの事情で: 【副】 inadvertently 諸般の事情で: 諸般の事情で adv. for various reasons. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 諸般) 「海外から来ている学生は何人ほどですか」「500人以上の留学生がいます」: "How many students are from overseas?" "We have over 500 international students." 私はオーストラリアでの時間を100%満喫しましたが、母親のつくる日本の家庭料理恋しさに喜んで帰国しました。: I absolutely loved my time in Australia but I was pleased to get back to my mom's Japanese home-style cooking! 何らかの事情で: for any reason《肯定文》