その報道の信憑性を疑う: question the authenticity of the news 目撃者の発言の信憑性を疑う: question the credibility of statements by witnesses ビデオ映像を証拠として用いることの信憑性を疑う: question the credibility of using the video footage as evidence その記事の信頼性を疑う: doubt the credibility of the article 調査結果の信憑性を疑わしいと思い始めている: become dubious about the credibility of the survey results 事件の信憑性: veracity of the case 事件の信憑性を調べるべきである: They should look into the veracity of the case. 自白の信憑性をめぐる争い: dispute over credibility of confessions 自白の信憑性をめぐる議論: dispute over credibility of confessions 調査結果の信憑性: credibility of the survey results その伝説の真実性を疑う: question the authenticity of the legend 信憑性をむしばむ: erode the credibility of〔~の〕 信憑性を下げる: belittle the authenticity 信憑性を評価する: assess the credibility 信頼性を疑う: question the reliability of〔~の〕