He scanned the notice and passed it along to Jason.
ざっと目を通す: ざっと目を通す v. glance |自|〔…に〕ざっと目を通す〔down, over, through〕∥ glance through [over] the book その本にざっと目を通す leaf |自|〔本に〕ざっと目を通す, 〔本を〕すばやくめくる〔over, through〕∥ leaf through a book 本にざっと目を通す run |他|〔…に〕ざっと(目)をその提案書に目を通してから、来週結論を聞かせてください: Please look over the proposal and give me your decision next week. 書類にザッと目を通した。: I looked over the documents. 目を通して: through the eyes of〔人の〕 優先事項リストに目を通してから始める: start by looking at one's priority list 博士の事務所で待つあいだ、私はその雑誌にザッと目を通した: I thumbed through the magazine as I waited in the doctor's office. ザッと目を通して概念をつかむ: look through very quickly to get a general idea ザッと目を通して概要をつかむ: look through very quickly to get a general idea 彼は新聞にザッと目を通している。: He is zapping around through the newspaper. ~にザッと目を通してみれば面白い: enjoy having a chance to look through 報告書にザッと目を通す: 1. give a report a cursory glance 2. look over a report 3. skim through a report 承諾の通知書: written notice of acceptance 拒絶の通知書: written notice of refusal 彼は求人広告にザッと目を通しただけだった。: He only took a cursory look at the job ads. この本の残りにザッと目を通してください: Please run through the rest of the book.