- A question-and-answer period will follow each report.
質疑応答の時間: 1. discussion period 2. question period 3. question-and-answer period 4. question-and-answer session
質疑応答の時間に: during the question and answer period
短い質疑応答の時間: brief question-and-answer period
~するたびごとに: as often as
質疑応答時間: Q&A session
質疑応答: 質疑応答 しつぎおうとう question and answer session
質疑応答法: question asking method
そのたびごとに: 1. on each occasion 2. toties quoties
それぞれ別の時間に: at different times
双方向の質疑応答: interactive questions and answers
双方向質疑応答: interactive questions and answers
質疑応答をする: ask and answer questions
質疑応答サービス: ask-a-teacher service〔通信教育などで〔先生との〕〕
人それぞれである: be different from each other
それぞれ片頭痛の発作ごとに変わらない: remain the same with each migraine