- It is not within the scope of the law.
携帯が入らない範囲内に: out of cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] range / out of range for a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)]
法律の適用: application of laws
法律の範囲内にとどまる: remain within the confines of the law
携帯電話が入らない範囲内に: out of cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] range / out of range for a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)]
default文の適用範囲: DEFAULT文の適用範囲 range of default statement[電情]
法律の範囲内で: within the confines of the law
日米防衛協力のための指針の適用範囲に入れる: be covered by the new guidelines for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation〔主語を〕
それは大きすぎてポケットに入らない: It's too big to fit in my pocket.
適用範囲: 1. applicable scope 2. scope 3. scope of application
彼は今はその提案を気に入らないかもしれないが、結局はそれに従います: He may not like the idea now, but he will come around to it.
法律の適用対象になる: subject to law
法律の認める範囲内で: 1. inside the law 2. within the law
その法律の提案者: proponents of the law
それはその国の利益にならない。: It's not in the country's interest.
完全適用範囲: full coverage