That was definitely a low point in Japanese history.
「私は間違いなく議長に当選するよ」「それはどうかな」: I will no doubt be elected chairman. "Famous last words." 彼は間違いなく合格する: I'm sure he'll pass. それはあなたと私の大きな違いの一つだ。: That is one of the major differences between you and me. 彼女は間違いなく信頼の置ける誠実な人です。: She is unfailingly trustworthy and honest. 神戸の地震は日本史上最悪のものの一つだった: The Kobe earthquake was one of the worst in Japan's history. 息子は遅くとも5時までに家に戻る。それは間違いない。: My son'll be back home by five at the latest. Take it to the bank. それは間違ってる: Pig's bum!〔 【同】 That's wrong.;〈豪俗〉〕 間違いが、いわば、進行し続けると、それはただの間違いではすまなくなる: When the mistake, quote unquote, is ongoing, then it becomes more than just a simple mistake. 君は間違いなく時間を浪費してるよ。: I can tell you that you are wasting your time. 彼は間違いなく2番目の部類ですね: I'm sure he belong in the second category. 死は間違いなくすべての者に訪れる。: Death is sure to all. 私は間違いなく正確に描写したい。: I want to make sure that it's depicted correctly. 日本史に疎い: be not up on local Japanese history これは、日本がアメリカの後追いをしていない数少ない風潮の一つだ。: This is one of the few trends where Japan is not following America. 間違いなく 1: 1. all right 2. and no mistake 3. as large [big] as life 4. as sure as I'm standing here 5. as sure as hell [fate, death, gun, rates] 6. as sure as shit〈卑〉 7. damned well 8. for a dead certainty 9.