- Such dishonesty will get no countenance from me.
不誠実な態度: untrue attitude
誠実な態度で問題の理解に努める: sincerely try to understand the problem
不誠実な: 不誠実な adj. insincere 誠意のない, 不誠実な;不まじめな;偽善的な(?sincere) *dishonest (人が)不正直な, 不誠実な, 不まじめな;(言動が)不正[ごまかし]の(?honest) faithless 《文》〔…に〕不誠実な, 不貞な〔to〕(?faithful)∥ a notoriously faithless man 不誠実で評判のやつ. (
不誠実な 1: mala fide 不誠実な 2 【形】 1. crocodilian 2. disingenuous 3. double-faced 4. faithless 5. false 6. false-hearted 7. hollow-hearted 8. insincere 9. lowdown 10. painted 11. perfidious 12. treacherous 13.
不誠実な女: untrustworthy woman
謙そんな態度: modest behavior
不誠実な姿勢: untrue attitude
不誠実な政策: perfidious maneuvers
不誠実な英国: perfide Albion
非常に不誠実な: highly disingenuous
厳格な態度で臨まないと。: I need to be stern.〔親が子どもについて話す〕
公平な態度で: in a fair manner
慇懃な態度で: with a respectful attitude
新たな態度で: on a new note
横柄な態度で: 1. in a superior fashion 2. with hauteur