たばこの広告を控える: cut back on tobacco advertising
たばこの広告を全面禁止する: impose a wholesale ban on tobacco advertising
たばこの火: burning cigarette end
たばこの灰: cigarette debris
たばこの煙: 1. cigarette smoke 2. smoke from a cigarette 3. smoke of a cigarette 4. tobacco fumes 5. tobacco smoke
たばこの町: Tobacco City
反たばこの: 【形】 anti-tobacco
たばこの一服: puff
たばこの小片: fig of tobacco
たばこの栽培: tobacco culture
たばこの産地: tobacco-growing district
たばこの看板: billboard advertising for tobacco products
かみたばこの癖: habit of chewing tobacco
たばこのない環境: smoke-free environment
たばこの主流煙: mainstream cigarette smoke