- fly out of a window that has been left open by accident
たまたま開いていた窓から飛び去る: fly out of a window that has been left open by accident
偶然開いていた窓から飛び立つ: fly out of a window that has been left open by accident
偶然開いていた窓から飛び去る: fly out of a window that has been left open by accident
発射台から飛び立つ: leave the launch-pad
開いた窓から舞い込む: waft in through the open window
窓から飛び出る: 1. jump out a window 2. leap through a window
窓から飛び降りる: 1. jump out of the window 2. jump right through the window 3. step out of the window into the air
開いたままの窓から流れ込んでくる空気を涼しく感じる: feel the air from the open window roll in cool
飛び立つ: 飛び立つ とびたつ to jump up to start up to leap to one's feet to fly away to take off
飛び立つ 1: 1. blast off 2. hop off 3. take (to) flight 飛び立つ 2 1. depart from 2. get off〔~から〕 飛び立つ 3 1. take off 2. take wings〔鳥が〕 飛び立つ 4 take off〔飛行機?宇宙船などが〕
飛び立つ〔鳥が〕: 【自動】 flush
開いたままである: remain open
開いたままのドア: doors that hung open
開いたままの窓: open window
たまたま: たまたま 偶々 偶偶 casually unexpectedly accidentally by chance