- Who is going to set the ball rolling?
問題を切り抜ける: get past a problem
それが問題だ: That's what gets me.
昇給の問題を切り出す: broach the issue of a raise
それが問題なのだ: That's the thing.
話題を切り出す: broach the subject of〔~の〕
何が問題なのかを(人)に語る: tell someone what the problems are
それが問題になるようなら: if that is a problem
その話題を切り上げる: get off the subject
だれが始めたのか、だれが作ったのかっていうことは知ってる……?: Do you know who began or who created...
みだれがみ: みだれがみ 乱れ髪 unravelled hair
問題から頭を切り離す: detach from issue of〔~の〕
あぶりだす: あぶりだす 炙り出す to reveal invisible writing by applying heat
いぶりだす: いぶりだす [燻り出す] v. stink out [他](人?動物など)を悪臭で追い出す, いぶり出す smoke out [他](動物?人などを)〔穴?隠れ家から〕いぶり出す, 狩り出す〔from〕.
うりだす: うりだす 売り出す to put on sale to market to become popular
えぐりだす: えぐりだす [えぐり出す] v. gouge |他|(目玉?石など)をえぐり出す(out).