- have the bills passed in proper form as soon as possible
法案を通過させる: 1. get the bill passed 2. get the legislation passed 3. procure the passage of an act
取締法案を通過させる: pass the regulatory measures
議案を通過させる: 1. push a bill through 2. vote a bill through
強硬な通商法案を通過させる: pass tough trade legislation
金融改革関連の法案を通過させる: pass bills relating to financial reform
できるだけ早く: 1. as early as possible 2. as quickly as possible 3. as rapidly as possible 4. as soon as allowed 5. as soon as maybe 6. as soon as one can 7. as soon as possible〔略して ASAP(「エイエスエイピー」または「エイセァップ」)と言うこ
法案を国会で通過させる: get the legislation passed
法案を強引に通過させる: 1. push a bill through Congress 2. push through a bill
法案を急いで通過させる: rush through laws
できるだけ早く飛行機を飛行場に着陸させる: get the plane down on a landing strip as fast as possible
~を通過させる: put someone through〔人に〕
できるだけ早くお電話させます。: 1. I'll have him call you back as soon as he can. 2. I'll have him return your call as soon as possible.
できるだけ早く(人)に知らせる: let someone know as soon as one can
できるだけ早く(人)に計画を知らせる: let someone know of one's plans as soon as possible
反応をできるだけ早く知らせる: advise as soon as possible of the reaction of〔人の〕