I'll answer any questions to the best of my ability.
できる限り多くの質問に答える: answer as many questions as possible 質問にできる限り誠実に答える: answer someone's questions as honestly as one can〔人の〕 _月_日付けのご質問にお答えして: Replying to your inquiry of この質問には私がお答えします。: I'll take this question. その質問に簡単にお答えするなら、「はい」でしょうね。: I suppose the easy answer to the question is yes. 手短にお答えします。: I'll give you a quick answer. 私が何かお答えできるでしょうか。: I don't know what I could tell you. そうした質問には、今はお答えできません。: I can't answer a question like that now. 確認できる限りにおいて: as far as someone can ascertain〔人が〕 その質問には、少し考えてみないとお答えしかねます。: I hesitate to answer your question without thinking about it. こつをお教えしましょう: I'll show you the ropes. できる限り 1: 1. all get-out 2. all one can 3. as far as possible 4. as much as one can 5. as much as possible 6. to a maximum extent 7. to the best of one's ability 8. to the best of one's power 9. to the greateできる限りの: できる限りの adj. possible 【S】 [最上級, all, everyなどを強めて] できる限りの《◆名詞の後に置く方が強意的》∥ do everything possible できる限りのことをする/ as soon as possibleできる限り早急に. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 限り) それぞれの質問に対して最も適切な答えを選びましょう: You are to choose the best response [answer] to each question.〔ヒアリングテストの説明〕 分かりました、使い方をお教えしましょう。: Hotel Clerk: OK, I'll show you how to use it.