- live together with someone for as long as possible
できる限り多くの同盟国とともに: with as many allies as possible
不安とともに生きる: coexist with uncertainty
自然とともに生きる: 1. coexist with nature 2. live at one with nature 3. live with nature
生きている限り: 生きている限り adv. to [till] one's dying day 死ぬまで;until I die 死ぬまで. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 限り)
生きている限り 1: 1. as long as life would last 2. as long as someone breathes 3. in our time 生きている限り 2 as long as someone lives [is alive]〔人が〕
生きている限り~ない: not in someone's lifetime〔人が〕
(記憶などが)(人)とともに永遠に生き続ける: live with someone forever
ともに~するためにできる限り急いでここに来る: come here with someone as soon as possible to〔人と〕
生きている限り続く: remain with someone for the rest of his life〔人が〕
私の生きている限り: as long as I live
医者と相談した後、その病気を受け入れともに生きていくことを決心した。: After consulting with a doctor, he decided to accept and to live with the disease.
できる限り(人)の心に忠実に: as true to someone's spirit as possible
できる限り(人)の心に誠実に: as true to someone's spirit as possible
できる限り 1: 1. all get-out 2. all one can 3. as far as possible 4. as much as one can 5. as much as possible 6. to a maximum extent 7. to the best of one's ability 8. to the best of one's power 9. to the greate
できる限りの: できる限りの adj. possible 【S】 [最上級, all, everyなどを強めて] できる限りの《◆名詞の後に置く方が強意的》∥ do everything possible できる限りのことをする/ as soon as possibleできる限り早急に. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 限り)