- His infatuation with other women destroyed his marriage.
彼らの結婚生活は破たん寸前だ: Their marriage is nearly on the rocks.
のぼせ上がった 1: out of one's head のぼせ上がった 2 【形】 1. besotted / sotted 2. conceited
破たんした結婚生活: broken marriage
のぼせ上がった態度: conceited attitude
のぼせ上がって 1: off one's cake [pannikin] のぼせ上がって 2 【形】 strung-out のぼせ上がって 3 be infatuated with〔浅薄な理由で?脈絡もなく〕〔人に〕
私たちの結婚は破たんした。: Our marriage broke up.
のぼせ上がっている: 1. feel [be] full of oneself 2. have got it badly 3. have one's nose (wide) open
のぼせ上がり: infatuation
のぼせ上がる: のぼせ上がる のぼせあがる to be beside oneself to lose one's head to go mad with something
結婚生活の破たん: marital breakup
私の結婚生活は幸せじゃなかった: My married life was not happy.〔 【誤】 My marriage was not happy.〕
男の子は女の子の笑顔にのぼせ上がる: Boys go gaga over a girl's smile.
でのぼせ上がる: puff oneself up with〔うぬぼれやごう慢さなど〕
のぼせ上がる 1: 1. get a big head 2. get a swelled [swollen] head 3. have a swelled head 4. puff up 5. stick up のぼせ上がる 2 1. fall head over heels in love with〔 【直訳】 真っ逆さまに恋に落ちる〕 2. think someone is so big〔人に〕 のぼせ上が
夫が私の友人[友達]と浮気[不倫]をしたことで、結婚生活が破たんしている。: My husband's affair with my friend is damaging to my marriage.