Almost to a man they are supporters of the policy.
ほとんど満場一致で賛成という結果になる: vote almost unanimously in favor 満場一致で: 満場一致で adv. with one assent; by common assent (見出しへ戻る headword ? 満場) その政策を支持したようなものだ: largely sign on to the agenda 満場一致で 1: 1. as a man 2. as one man 3. by a unanimous show of hands 4. by common [general] consent 5. by unanimous consent 6. in a unanimous 7. nem con 8. to a man 9. with one accord 10. with one assent 11. w満場一致での: 【形】 unanimous 満場一致で選ぶ: choose by common consent 満場一致で~を決める: reach a unanimous decision on 設定された条件をほとんど満たしている: meet almost all of the conditions set by〔~によって〕 以前の政府とは違い、彼はこの政府を支持している: He supports this government as opposed to the previous one. 村人のほとんどがトムを支持した: Most of the villagers stood with Tom. 私たちのほとんどが彼を支持した。: Most of us stood by him. の政策を支持する: back the line that〔that以下〕 後任として(人)を満場一致で選任する: vote unanimously for someone to succeed〔人の〕 後任として(人)を満場一致で選出する: vote unanimously for someone to succeed〔人の〕 ほぼ満場一致で~を可決する: pass ~ almost unanimously