機会があればいつでも: 1. whenever occasion arises 2. whenever the occasion may arise その機会を生かして何かできればいいですね。: It would be nice if you could do something with that opportunity. ~させていただく機会があれば幸いです。: It will be a real pleasure for me to またの機会があれば: if there is a next time 「またいつかお会いしたいですね」「そうですね」: "We should get together sometime." "Yes, we should" ~する機会ができる: offer an opportunity to〔主語の結果〕 休暇の間、ゆっくりくつろげる機会がもてるといいですね: I hope you have the chance to relax when you're on holiday. もし機会があれば: if an opportunity offers 万一機会があれば: should an opportunity occur 機会があれば 1: 1. as (the) occasion arises 2. as occasion offers [serves] 3. if allowed the opportunity 4. if an opportunity occurs 5. if an opportunity offers 6. if chance should serve 7. if given the chance 8. i次の機会があれば: if there is a next time ちょっと話をしてもいいですか?/今お話しできますか?: Can I talk to you for a minute? 際にまた(人)に会う機会があればと心から願う: sincerely hope to have the opportunity of meeting someone again when〔~の〕 お話しできてよかった[楽しかった]です。また後ほど。: Nice talking to you. See you later. 機会があれば~を訪ねる: visit ~ when the occasion permits