ある地域では、女性が一人でバーに行くのは今でも珍しいことだ。: It's still unusual for a woman to go to a bar alone in some areas. それは今ではかなり一般的だ[結構よくあることだ]。: It's pretty common now. 学ぶことの意味を見失う: not fully understand the meaningfulness of studying 今は今で、昔の話は昔のこと。: Now is now, and then was then. めがねをかける: めがねをかける 眼鏡を掛ける to wear glasses めがねをはずす: めがねをはずす 眼鏡を外す to take off one's glasses 原点を見失う: lose sight of basic points 大局を見失う: 1. lose sight of the big picture 2. miss the bigger picture 方向を見失う: 1. be out of one's bearings 2. lose one's bearings 現実を見失う: lose sense of reality 目的を見失う: lose sight of the objective of〔~という〕 そこではお茶を飲むことは毎日の欠かせない習慣です: Tea drinking is a daily dawn-to-dusk custom there. 全体像を見失う: miss the big picture 方向性を見失う: lose the sense of direction 目標を見失う 1: lose sight of one's target 目標を見失う 2 lose sight of the objective of〔~という〕