move the controversy between A and B over ~ to the judicial stage〔~を〕
めぐる_年間の論争を終わらせる: bring to an end a __-year dispute over〔~を〕 舞台を~に移す: transfer the action to めぐる論争を説明する: explain the controversy over〔~を〕 他国との論争を解決する: settle one's disputes with others 他者との論争を解決する: settle one's disputes with others 司法の場に持ち込まれる: be left to the court めぐる論争: 1. controversy over 2. debate over〔~を〕 めぐる_年間の論争にピリオドを打つ: bring to an end a __-year dispute over〔~を〕 めぐる長年にわたる論争を再燃させる: rekindle a long-running controversy over〔~を〕 めぐる長期にわたる論争を再燃させる: rekindle a long-running controversy over〔~を〕 ~との交際疑惑をめぐる論争: controversy over someone's suspected link with〔人の〕 ~間の論争を高める: elevate a dispute between めぐる白熱の論議: flaming controversy over〔~を〕 めぐる激しい論争: fierce debates on〔~を〕 失言をめぐる論争: controversy over someone's gaffes〔人の〕