- If the pain persists, seek the help of a doctor.
もし陣痛が5分間隔で30秒続くようなら医者に電話しなさい: Call your doctor if the contractions are 5 minutes apart and last 30 seconds.
医者の助けを求める: seek medical assistance
死に際して医者の手助けを求める: seek a doctor's help in dying
他人の助けを求める: call in chips
専門家の助けを求める: 1. seek out professional help 2. seek professional help
助けを求めて: in search of assistance
助けを求めようとする: make a move to get help
5の7乗を求めなさい: Calculate five to the seventh power. / Calculate the seventh power of five.
保健専門家の助けを求める: seek help from a health professional
これが続くようなら、電話番号を変えなきゃならないかもね。: If this keeps up, you may have to change your number.
助けを求めて叫ぶ: 【動】 cry [shout, yell, holler] for help
助けを求めにいく: go and seek help
助けを求める 1: 1. call for help 2. have recourse to 助けを求める 2 【自動】 resort 助けを求める 3 1. seek help (from) 2. send out an SOS to〔~に〕 助けを求める 4 ask for help (on)〔~について〕 助けを求める 5 seek the help of〔~の〕 助けを求める 6 1. ap
助けを求める叫び: cry [shout, yell, holler] for help
神に助けを求める: 1. ask for God's help 2. plead to God ~ for help