もし(that以下)の場合には: in case that
もし~の場合: in case of
万一(that以下)の場合には: in the unlikely event that
万一(that以下)の場合に備えて: in case that
以下の場合に適用される: apply in any of the following cases
もしもの場合に備えて: (just) in case〔if よりも口語的〕
もしもの場合の備え: provident move
この場合: この場合 このばあい in this case
この場合は: 1. in the present case 2. in this case 3. in this particular case
の場合には: …の場合には in case 《主に米》もし…ならば∥ In case I miss the train, don't wait to start. 私が列車に乗り遅れた場合は待たずに出発してください《◆×In case I will miss the train, ... は不可》 in the event of O 《正式》∥ in the event of rain (万一)雨が降
万一の場合: 1. if (the) worst [worse] comes to (the) worst 2. in one doomsday scenario / in the worst case [scenario] / in the worst-case scenario / if the worst happens [should happen, does happen] / if things
不慮の場合: unseen circumstances
人の場合: in the case of somebody like〔~のような〕
今の場合: 1. as affairs [matters] now stand 2. as affairs [matters] stand (now) 3. as it now stands 4. as it stands (now) 5. as the case [matter, situation] now stands 6. as the case [matter, situation] stand
仮説の場合: what-if