get rid of all corporations that no longer serve their original purposes
この委員会は本来の機能を果たしていない: This committee is not fulfilling its original function. 本来の目的を再確認する: reaffirm one's original purpose 本来の目的を実現する: achieve the intended objective of〔~という〕 本来の目的を達成する: achieve one's intended purposes 本来の目的を効果的に果たす: fulfill one's original purpose effectively 本来の目的を見失う: lose sight of the original objectives 大した役割を果たしていない: play a minor role in〔~で〕 本来の目的: 1. intended purpose 2. original goal 3. original purpose 行政機構としての本来の任務を果たす: play one's primary role as an administrative organ 行政機関としての本来の任務を果たす: play one's primary role as an administrative organ 二つの目的を果たす: serve a dual purpose 任務の目的を果たす: achieve the goal of the mission 同様の目的を果たす: serve a similar purpose in〔~で〕 暗黙の目的を果たす: achieve one's unspoken objective 監査の目的を果たす: accomplish audit objectives