口を湿らす: moisten someone's mouth〔人の〕 花火を湿らす: get fireworks wet タオルをぬらす: 【動】 wet towel 消毒綿を湿らす: moisten a swab タオルを絞る: give the towel a wring 湿らせたペーパータオル: wet paper towel 肌を湿らせる: imbue the skin with moisture ぬれタオルを絞る: twist a wet towel タオルをすすぐ: rinse a towel タオルを共用する: share a towel 腰にタオルを巻く: 1. put a towel around one's waist 2. wrap a towel around one's waist 3. wrap the towel round one's waist 頭にタオルを巻く: wind a towel around one's head 湿らす: 【他動】 moisten タオル: タオル (hand) towel ぬれたタオルを絞る: wring a wet towel