悪性の疑いがある: be suspected of malignancy 違反の疑いがある: be suspected of violations テロの疑いがある移民を逮捕する: arrest immigrants suspected of terrorism テロ活動関与の疑いがある: be suspected of involvement in terrorist activities bseの感染の疑いがある: suspected of BSE infection 不正融資の疑いがある: be suspected of making illegal loans 何らかの疑いがある時は: when any doubt exists 狂牛病感染の疑いがある: be suspected of having contracted mad cow disease 癌の疑いがある患者: patient with suspected cancer [carcinoma] マリファナたばこ所持の疑いがある: be suspected of possessing a marijuana joint 国内初の狂牛病の疑いがある牛の発見: discovery of the first possible mad cow case in the country 大量破壊兵器所有の疑いがある: be suspected of having weapons of mass destruction 急性細菌性心内膜炎の疑いがある人々: people suspected of having acute bacterial endocarditis 牛海綿状脳症の感染の疑いがある: suspected of BSE infection 犯罪の疑いがある移民を拘留する: detain immigrants suspected of crimes