set a standard for the level of particulate matter contained in gas emission from diesel vehicles
車の排ガスに含まれる浮遊粒子状物質: suspended particulates in car exhaust ディーゼル車の排ガス中に含まれる有害物質: toxic substances in exhaust fumes emitted from diesel vehicles 車の排出ガスに含まれる浮遊粒子状物質: suspended particulates in car exhaust 排ガスに含まれる浮遊粒子状物質: suspended particulate matters contained in the emissions ディーゼル車の排ガス浄化装置: diesel particulate filter〔 【略】 DPF〕 ディーゼル車の排ガス規制: controlling of diesel emissions from automobiles ディーゼル車の排ガス規制の強化: tighter control on exhaust emissions from diesel-powered vehicles 自動車の排ガスに含まれる二酸化窒素: nitrogen dioxide contained in automobile exhausts ディーゼル車の排ガスに対して新たな規制策を打ち出す: hammer out a new regulation on diesel-vehicle emissions ディーゼル車の排ガス規制の一環として: as a part of the restriction scheme on diesel vehicles 当局が認めた浮遊粒子状物質の排出を防ぐ除去装置を装着していないディーゼル車: diesel-powered automobiles ill-equipped with the government-authorized devices that eliminate suspended particulate matter 粒子状物質の除去装置を付けていないディーゼル車の通行を抑制する: restrain traffic by diesel-powered automobiles that are not equipped to filter particulates ディーゼル車からの排ガス: gas emissions from diesel-powered automobiles / gas emitted by diesel cars はるかに大量の粒子状物質を排出するディーゼル車: diesel-powered automobile [vehicle] that emit by far the largest amount of particulates 他の自動車よりもはるかに大量の粒子状物質を排出するディーゼル車: diesel-powered automobile [vehicle] that emit by far the largest amount of particulates