容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of〔~の〕 一連の犯行の容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone under suspicion of a rash of crimes 器物損壊の容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone for vandalizing government property 武器の不法所持容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on firearms charges 殺害した容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone for allegedly murdering〔人を〕 窃盗容疑で~を逮捕する: arrest on charges of theft _人の容疑者を逮捕する: round up __ suspects _歳の容疑者を逮捕する: arrest the __-year-old suspect 重犯罪の容疑で逮捕する: make felony arrest 子どもに対する性的虐待容疑で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone on suspicion of child molestation 容疑者を逮捕する: 1. apprehend a suspect 2. arrest a suspect 3. place a suspect under arrest 4. put a suspect under arrest 未成年の容疑者を逮捕する: arrest a juvenile suspect スパイ行為未遂の容疑で逮捕する: arrest someone on charges of attempted espionage〔人を〕 (警官が)(人)を逮捕する: feel someone's collar 詐欺ともう1件の殺人未遂の容疑で再逮捕する: rearrest someone on suspicion of fraud and another attempted murder〔人を〕