何世紀にもわたる~の後で: after all the centuries of その手工芸は、何世紀にもわたる伝統だ。: The craft is a tradition that's centuries and centuries old. 何世紀にもわたる白人支配の後に: after all the centuries of white oppression 何世紀にもわたる議論の末に: after all the centuries of discussion 何世紀にもわたって: 1. down the centuries 2. for centuries 3. for many centuries 4. over the centuries 何世紀にもわたって人々を結び付ける: connects people through the centuries 何世紀にもわたって習慣化されている: have been common practice for centuries 何世紀にもわたって行われている: have been common practice for centuries 何世紀にもわたって~をいじくる: fiddle with ~ over the centuries この何世紀にわたって: for several centuries 何世紀にもわたり世界中で利用されてきた: have been used for centuries all over the world 何世紀にわたる奴隷労働: work done by slaves in past centuries その思想は何世紀にもわたって定義され、発展してきた。: The thought has been defined and developed over centuries. ビール製造: beer manufacturing ここ何世紀にわたって: for several centuries