- bounce a ball against a wall
頭を壁にぶつける: slam one's head against a wall
壁にボールをぶつける: throw a ball at a wall
…にぶつける: 1. crash ~ through 2. ram ~ into〔激しい勢いで〕 3. slam ~ into〔~を〕 ~にぶつける 1. beat against 2. hit against 3. run into 4. run on
~にぶつける: 1. beat against 2. hit against 3. run into 4. run on …にぶつける 1. crash ~ through 2. ram ~ into〔激しい勢いで〕 3. slam ~ into〔~を〕
テニスボールを壁に当てて跳ね返らせる: bounce a tennis ball against a wall
頭を壁に打ちつける: beat one's head against a [the] (brick [stone]) wall
他車にぶつける: 【他動】 nerf
後部にぶつける: slam into the rear of〔~の〕
怒りを~にぶつける: vent one's anger at
顔を窓にぶつける: knock hit my face against the window
壁に頭をぶつける: bump one's head against [on] the wall
壁にぶつかる: 1. blunder against the wall 2. bump against a wall 3. hit against a wall 4. knock into a wall 5. knock oneself against the wall 6. reach a plateau 7. run up against a brick wall 8. run up against a
塀にボールを投げつける: throw a ball against the wall
後退させて~にぶつける: back into〔車などを〕
腹立ち紛れに花瓶を壁に投げつける: dash a vase against the wall in anger