レム睡眠の間に生じる: occur during REM sleep 非レム睡眠の間に生じる: occur during non-REM sleep 睡眠サイクルのレム段階の間に起こる: arise during REM phases of the sleep cycle 睡眠周期のレム段階の間に起こる: arise during REM phases of the sleep cycle 睡眠周期の非レム段階の間に起こる: arise during non-REM phases of the sleep cycle 睡眠サイクルの非レム段階の間に起こる: arise during non-REM phases of the sleep cycle レム睡眠の反跳: REM (sleep) rebound / rebound of REM sleep〔レム睡眠が反跳的に増加すること〕 一瞬の間に起こる: happen in a flash 人々の間に起こる: 【形】 intrapopulation 数秒の間に起こる: happen in a matter of seconds レム睡眠: レム睡眠 レムすいみん rapid eye movement REM sleeping aとbの間に起こる謎: strange thing that happens between 月経周期の間に起こる: occur during the menstrual cycle ノンレム睡眠: non-REM sleep〔 【略】 NREM〕 レム睡眠欠乏: rapid eye movement sleep deprivation / REM (sleep) deprivation