The more words you can read in a single fixation, the faster you will read.
生徒の数が増えれば増えるほど、彼らと1対1で話す機会を持つのが難しいのよね。: The more students, the more difficult it is to have a one-on-one chance to speak with them. 面白く読める: 【形】 readable 容易に読める: be easy to read 数が増える 1: 1. grow in number 2. increase in number 3. number grows 4. number increases 5. record a gain in numbers 数が増える 2 【自動】 multiply 数が増える 3 have an increased number of〔~の〕 学校を辞める子どもたちの数が増える: increase the number of children out of schools 気持ち良く読める: make pleasant reading 面白く読めること: readability 面白く読める小説: readable novel 読める: read on~に;《特許》 数が増えて: in growing numbers 文字が読める人々: literate people とても面白く読める本: fairly readable book 死者の数が増える中: as deaths rise 量が増える: 量が増える りょうがふえる to gain in quantity 読める〔~と〕: 【自動】 read