- start the day feeling fresh
気分良く始める: start [begin] ~ on a good note〔~を〕
気分良く一日を始める: start a [the, one's] day (off) feeling good
気分良く一日を開始する: start a [the, one's] day (off) feeling good
気分良く一日をスタートさせる: start a [the, one's] day (off) feeling good
気分良く一日を始動させる: start a [the, one's] day (off) feeling good
気持ち良く一日を始める: get one's day off to a good start
幸先良く始める: get a good start
気分良く: on a good note
気分良く言う: say happily
一日を始める 1: 1. start one's day (off) 2. start the day out 一日を始める 2 start a [the, one's] day (off) with〔~で〕 一日を始める 3 start a [the, one's] day (off) with〔~とともに〕
~して一日を始める: start a [the, one's] day (off) by
毎日~してから一日を始める: start each [every] day by
毎日~して一日を始める: start each [every] day by
毎日~とともに一日を始める: start each [every] day with
毎日~を読んで一日を始める: start each [every] day with