耐性が生じた場合に: as tolerance develops
万一必要となった場合には: if need should arise
万一必要が生じたら: if the need should arise
そのような状態が生じた場合には: in case such a situation should come about
その見直しの結果に異議が生じた場合には: in the event of a dispute over the outcome of the review
重要な問題が生じた場合に: when critical issues emerge
不可抗力が生じた場合: on the occurrence of any event of Force Majeure《契約》
変更が生じた場合は: in case of any changes in〔~に〕
万一~の場合には: 1. (just) in case〔if よりも口語的〕 2. in the unlikely event of (万一)~の場合には in the event of
(万一)~の場合には: in the event of 万一~の場合には 1. (just) in case〔if よりも口語的〕 2. in the unlikely event of
不可抗力の事態が生じた場合: on the occurrence of any event of Force Majeure《契約》
何らかの被害が生じた場合は: in the event of any damage being incurred by〔~に〕
契約不履行という事態が生じた場合: in the case of failure to abide by conditions of contract
差額が生じた場合は放棄する: waive the difference if any
万一の場合には: 1. if (the) worst [worse] comes to (the) worst 2. in an emergency 3. in case of emergency 4. in one doomsday scenario / in the worst case [scenario] / in the worst-case scenario / if the worst happe