- rising incidence of infection in hospital
エイズ感染の発生率: incidence of HIV infection
急上昇する犯罪発生率: soaring crime rate
セラチア菌による院内感染: infection of serratia bacteria in a hospital
病院内感染: infections that are acquired in the hospital
院内感染: 院内感染 いんないかんせん infection incurred while hospitalized
院内感染例: case of in-hospital infection
院内感染症: nosocomial infectious disease
院内感染の予防に不可欠である: be essential for the prevention of hospital-acquired infection
院内感染因子: agent of nosocomial infections
院内感染対策: measures against nosocomial infection
集団院内感染: mass nosocomial infection
集団感染の発生を告げる: announce the outbreak of the group infection
院内感染で死ぬ: die of infection caught in hospital
院内感染を防ぐ: prevent in-hospital infection
院内感染対策医師: infection control doctor〔 【略】 ICD〕