- remove stains from one's coat
染みを抜く 1: 1. eliminate smudges 2. get [take] a spot [stain] off [out] 染みを抜く 2 remove a stain (from)〔~から〕
染みを抜く人: spotter
染みを抜く器具: spotter
油の染みを抜く: take out spots of oil
上着の胸部: breast of a coat
上着の袖: sleeve of a coat
上着の裾: skirts of a coat
上着の着心地: set of a coat
普段着の上着: undress jacket
男の上着の裾: skirt of a man's coat
あくを抜く: remove harshness
くぎを抜く: 1. draw a nail 2. draw out a nail 3. get a nail out 4. remove a nail
とげを抜く: 1. draw (out) a thorn 2. draw thorn 3. extract a splinter 4. pick a thorn out of 5. pull out a splinter
ド肝を抜く: ド肝を抜く どぎもをぬく ドぎもをぬく to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits to strike a person dumb to dumbfound to take (someone) aback
ネジを抜く: 【他動】 unscrew〈卑〉