without a controlling majority in the Diet's upper house
参議院で過半数を大幅に割っている: be far short of a majority in the Upper House 過半数を割る: 1. drop below a majority 2. lose a majority 彼は過半数を超えたので当確です: He got over half the votes, so he wins. 過半数を占めている: be in majority 参議院で過半数を占める: have a majority in the House of Counselors 上院の過半数: Senate majority 米国上院の過半数を奪回する: regain control of the U.S. Senate〔政党が〕 参議院で連立して過半数を維持する: maintain a combined majority in the Upper House 参議院で過半数を維持する: maintain a majority in the Upper House 衆参両院で過半数を確保する: secure a majority of seats in both the Upper and Lower houses 衆議院で過半数を回復する: regain a simple majority in the Lower House 過半数を少し上回って: with a small majority 列を割ってはいる: circumvent a line 過半数をとる: carry the state〔選挙区で〕 過半数を保つ: retain a majority