- take seat on the Woolsack
議事を始める: 1. take one's seat on the woolsack 2. take the chair
事を始める: 1. get the ball rolling 2. initiate the matter
議事妨害を始める: engage in a filibuster
仕事を始める: 1. begin a task 2. break in 3. fall to work 4. get busy 5. get down to work 6. get off one's rear end〔get off one's ass の婉曲表現。イギリスでは get off one's arse と言うが、ass と arse は「尻」の意味の卑語なので、rear end に言い換えてい
情事を始める: start affair
食事を始める: 1. get [hop] into the grub 2. sit down to eat
建設工事を始める: start construction work
さっさと仕事を始める: get on the stick
事を始めるのが遅い人: slow starter
元どおりの仕事を始める: resume work as before
勢いよく仕事を始める: pitch in
午前_時から仕事を始める: begin one's workday at __ a.m.
在宅の仕事を始める: launch one's own home business
新しい仕事を始める: 1. embark on a new career 2. step into a new job
新たに仕事を始める: begin one's work anew