お金を蓄えておく: keep a reserve of money 金を蓄えておく: salt away one's money 冬に備えて~を蓄える: put ~ by for the winter months 不慮の災難: 1. casualty 2. unforeseeable accident 3. unforeseen calamity 4. unforeseen disaster 不慮の事故に備えて: as security against accidents 不慮の出来事に備えて: to meet contingencies 力を蓄えておく: save one's energy [strength] 労力を蓄えておく: save one's energy [strength] 燃料を蓄えておく: keep a reserve of fuel 石油を蓄えておく: keep a reserve of oil 危険に備えてお金をおなかに巻き付けておく: keep the cash concealed in a money belt to be safe いざというときに備えて金を蓄える: save up money for a rainy day まさかのときに備えて金を蓄える: save up money for a rainy day 冬に備えて燃料を蓄える: store away fuel for the winter 常に備えておく: be permanently prepared